Course: Project writing and grant management


April 19, 2022


The course introduced the EU research landscape and focus on the basic principles of project writing and management. Attendees learnt about the research funding in Bulgaria, Germany, The Netherlands, UK, and other EU countries. They were presented with various funding opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral researchers, as well as for group leaders (individual short-term and long-term projects, large collaborative projects). The lecturers of the course delivered presentations about project design and conceptualization, project writing, and project management.

The course was for MSc and PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, senior scientists, and group leaders.

    Topics include:
  1. Introduction to the EU research landscape.
  2. Funding opportunities for postdoctoral sciences and PhD students (Horizon Europe, ERC grants, EMBO grants, FEBS grants, AvH fellowships, DFG, NSF of Bulgaria, funding opportunities for travel and short-term fellowships).
  3. Conceptualization and writing project proposals: basics learned from successful candidates and from evaluators;
  4. Implementation and management of scientific projects. Profession project manager: insights from the scientific managers.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev, CPSBB, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Prof. Dr. Vladislav Popov, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasil Kolev, CPSBB, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

There was no charge for this course, which was ran as a part of the training activities of project RESIST.

Sign up for Course: “Project writing and management” here, by April 15, 2022

Programme: Please find the programme of the event here.